Start Your Emergency Plan

Start emergency planningThis tutorial will help you think through your personal needs in an emergency and plan how to respond. It will suggest action steps for your personal preparedness plan.

People with disabilities have been impacted harshly by hurricanes, floods, or even a bad snow storm. Emergencies can disrupt your daily routines and interrupt services that you rely on.

When weather causes power outages, for example, it is hard for anyone to keep to daily routines.  But a person who needs electricity for an oxygen supply or other medical services must take action, before an emergency strikes, to prepare for loss of power.

Are You Ready to Respond?

Are you ready to leave your home on short notice and travel to a relative’s home or a public shelter? Do you have medicines you would need for several days away from home? If you provide supports for a person with disabilities, have you helped them prepare for a time when daily routines cannot be maintained at home? Evacuation will be much easier and safer if you and those you care for prepare now for what might happen tomorrow.

Do you have plans in place to know what you and your family members will do to be safe during a disaster? Do you know how you will find each other if you are separated during a disaster? What do you need to do now, to be ready for the next disaster or emergency?


Let’s get Started >