
Smart911_300x600_1Smart911 is a service that allows you to provide specific information to first responders so that they can give you more focused assistance in an emergency. If you call 9-1-1 having signed up for a Smart911 profile, more precise information can be relayed to first responders to help reduce response times.

This information is only populated if you create a safety profile. It is a voluntary service, so you select the information you want first responders to have in an emergency, but ideally the shared information helps to save time during an emergency. All information you put in your profile is kept secure and private.

What is a Safety Profile?
A Safety Profile is set-up by an individual that lists information in one account about the members of the household, including pets. Accounts can have as much or as little information as you would like to share. Information you can put into your profile includes phone numbers (landline, mobile, or VOIP) and addresses of the primary residence, work locations, and vacation homes. More specific information about pets, medications, medical conditions, and vehicles can be listed, as well as emergency contacts. You also have the ability to change information in your Safety Profile at any time.

Who sees my Smart911 information?
The Safety Profile you create is seen by the 9-1-1 call taker when you call 9-1-1 from a phone that is registered with your Smart911 account, and the call taker’s jurisdiction takes part in the Smart911 service. The dispatcher sees the information in the Smart911 system, and relays the necessary information to the first responders in route to the call so that they can better respond. The information stays on the dispatcher’s screen for a short period of time before the information is once again inaccessible.

Where is Smart911 available?
Smart911 is available in Delaware. Smart911 is a nationwide service, so if you are traveling through a jurisdiction that uses the Smart911 service and you call from a phone number registered with a Safety Profile, your information will be available to the dispatcher in that area.

How often do I need to update my information?
You need to logon to your Safety Profile once every 6 months for the information to display on a dispatcher’s screen in the event you call 9-1-1. If you do not update or logon to your account, your Safety Profile will be suspended. It is important to update your information to ensure first responders are not working off of outdated or incorrect information.

To sign-up for Smart911, go to:

Citations and contact information

Information for this webpage was retrieved from as well as other printed material from the Smart911 service.

For additional information and questions on the Smart911 service, please visit the Smart911 webpage.